Behaviour, Rewards & Sanctions

Behaviour Principles

The Principles that under our Behaviour, Rewards & Sanctions Policy.
South Molton Community College is based upon an ethos that
generates a positive environment for those who work and learn within it.
At Our College all students are expected to behave in a way that creates
an environment where;
• Staff are able to teach to the best of their abilities
• All students can learn and achieve to their maximum potential in every classroom
• All members of our School Community can work in a safe place
• Staff, students, parents/carers and visitors can enjoy and be proud of their association with us
The Positive Behaviour Management of our young people is most effective when a true partnership exists between school and home.

Together we can make SMCC extremely successful, a School which we are all proud to belong to and a school where visitors leave with a truly positive impression of us.

We believe that motivating students by using appropriate rewards is one of the most important tasks we undertake.

We use rewards and sanctions to:

  • Create a secure, orderly and working environment
  • Raise student self-esteem and make them feel valued
  • Set goals for personal achievement
  • Reward a variety of qualities and activities
  • Provide opportunities for students to aspire to and assume responsibilities
  • Motivate and encourage students to do their best
  • Ensure effective teaching and learning can take place
  • Develop the students’ sense of appropriate and inappropriate social behaviour

A variety of rewards include:

  • Verbal praise from staff
  • Letters and postcards home
  • Certificates from Subject Areas (Hall of Fame)
  • Celebration in assemblies
- Recognition in our newsletters and local press
  • Formal occasions such as Presentation Evenings
  • Roles and responsibilities e.g. House and Form Representatives, School Council, Prefects.

SMCC uses a variety of sanctions. These include a verbal reprimand, working in the ‘HUB’ and detentions. For serious misbehaviour internal exclusions, fixed term exclusions and very rarely a permanent exclusion may be necessary.

There are detentions administered by the class teacher for minor classroom offences for which the Head of Faculty is informed.
 For repeated offences the Head of Faculty will place the student in faculty detention; parents are informed of this and are requested to sign a Detention Form. The Head of House will place students in detention for general offences.

If disruption of the learning of others persists a School Detention is given; these take place during the lunch hour on Thursdays; parents are informed of this and are requested to sign a Detention Form.
 For serious offences there is a one hour Detention after college and parents are requested to collect the pupil after the detention. Twenty-four hours notice is given prior to all detentions.

On Report
Pupils are sometimes put on report for indiscipline and parents will be informed. At the end of each lesson the teacher completes a form, reporting behaviour or attendance which is then signed daily by parents and logged with the Head of Year.

View your child's behaviours and achievements on your Clascharts account

see our Policies