Mr DJ Lewis's last 'Principal's Prize'

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21 Jul 2023

The Final Principal's Prize from Mr DJ Lewis
Mrs Evans proposed that this should go to Madeleine.
Mrs Evans said:
" For staff the beauty of doing activity week is that you get a chance to meet other students that you`re not necessarily aware of at all. Over the last few day`s I`ve met some smashing characters.
However, I was bowled over by a young lady in year 8 that I met during the bake-off session`s.
Her name is Madelaine in LK2 year8 .It stood out that she works hard and likes to be independent, she is considerate to other students around her and worked hard to tidy her area of work and helped other`s too and none of this with a prompt from staff. But what topped it all for me were her manner`s. and it all came so easily from her and with a smile too!
Then...Friday morning she arrived in A2L to find me!! she had bought in a piece of cake from her creation.

What a great way to end the year!